Opening times
Normal openings times
Monday: 10-18
Tuesday: 10-18
Wednesday: 10-21
Thursday: 10-21
Friday: 10-21
Saturday: 10-21
Sunday: 10-18
See also information and opening times to cafe, bar and restaurant, shop, and library.
Exceptions and Public Holidays
Palm Sunday: 10-18
Maundy Thursday: 10-18
Good Friday: 10-18
Easter: 10-18
Easter Sunday: 10-18
Easter Monday: 10-18
1 May: Closed
17 May: 10-18
Ascension Day: 10-18
Whit Sunday: 10-18
Whit Monday: 10-18
Christmas Eve: 10-14
Christmas Day: 10-18
Boxing Day: 10-18
New Year's Eve: 10-14
New Year's Day: 10-18