Only Connect Oslo: Gebrokken - vi høyrer saman

Sound walk at MUNCH and around Bjørvika.

Arturo Tovar / Jenny Berger Myhre / Cisser Mæhl Gebrokken: vi høyrer saman

Gebrokken: vi høyrer saman (Broken: We Belong Together) is a sound walk which starts at MUNCH, progresses through the museum and ends up outside in Bjørvika. Voices and electroacoustic music are woven together in an abstract dialogue about the city, identity and the listener's own impressions. Romantic nationalist clichés are subverted by post-colonial imagery as the work reshapes our perception of the city and the notion of a common identity. Can all this become part of the collective mythology we tell each other? The walk is directed by Arturo Tovar with music by Jenny Berger Myhre and Cisser Mæhl.

- Show up at least five minutes before the walk starts, unused tickets will be given away.
- Duration: ca. 30 min.
- You need to reserve a ticket even if you have a festival pass.

Dramaturgic consultation by Anders Hasmo and Ola E. Bø. Artistic team: Veronica Salinas, Tale Næss and Ali Djabbari. Project supported by Arts Council Norway, Fond for lyd og bilde, Fritt Ord and Dramatikkens hus.

nyMusikk’s international contemporary music festival Only Connect enters MUNCH and Bjørvika in Oslo 28 – 30 April 2022, with unique, unexpected and mind-expanding musical connections. Buy festival passes and individual tickets here.