Edvard Munch Shadows

Gain a close understanding of Edvard Munch in a groundbreaking interacitve museum experience.
From the exhibition Edvard Munch Shadows

Collection exhibition

Floor 7

Edvard Munch spent the last 30 years of his life at Ekely, his villa just outside Oslo. The house was demolished in 1960, but in this exhibition we reconstruct Munch’s home in a multimedia installation that uses light, sound and moving images to tell stories from Munch’s life.

Munch himself said that his home was his brain, which explains why he so seldom invited people to visit: to Munch, visitors felt like an intrusion on the nerve fibres of his private, creative life. Even so he had a large network of friends and acquaintances who all had an influence on his artistic practice. He was also influenced by the times he lived in, which were characterized by technological innovation and rapid social change, as well as political turbulence and war.

Here, you will gain entry not only to Munch’s private residence, but also to his life, memory and ideas. A specially designed exhibition wall allows the public to come close to things Munch owned and used in his everyday life.

Join us on a sensory journey back in time that will increase your understanding of Edvard Munch as a person and your knowledge of his surroundings in a biographical exhibition that is unparalleled in the museum world.

  • The exhibition is made by