The Human Mountain: Right Part
Oil and charcoal on unprimed canvas
Inventory number: MM.M.00935
Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 1605
Comment |
Painted on thin, unprimed cotton canvas. The binder in the paint layer is severely decayed and the paint flakes off at a touch.
Title | Menneskeberget: høyre del (NO) The Human Mountain: Right Part (EN) Der Menschenberg: rechte Seite (DE) |
Painter | Edvard Munch |
Date | 1926–1929 |
Classification | Paintings |
Material/technique | Oil and charcoal on unprimed canvas |
Dimensions | Image: 272 × 137 cm |
Signed | Usignert |
Owner/Collection | Munchmuseet |
Inventory number | MM.M.00935 |
Bibliography |
Tveit, Eva Storevik, Edvard Munchs monumentale aulaskisser: Porøs maling, fleksibilitet og opprulling, upublisert avhandling (masteroppgave), Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie, Universitetet i Oslo, 2011, 189 s.Pettersen, Petra, "Munchs Aula-dekorasjoner" / "Munch's Aula paintings" i Gerd Woll, Edvard Munch. Samlede malerier / Complete Paintings, Catalogue Raisonneé I-IV, MM, Kaare Berntsen, London 2009, s. 829–851
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