Text at MUNCH Vol. 1
10 - 11 septembre 2021
Matias Faldbakken // Smerz // Okay Kaya // Sumaya Jirde Ali // Felipe «Fela» Orellana Castro // Camara Lundestad Joof // Constance Tenvik & inti wang // Fredrik Høyer // Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen // Josef Yohannes // Aon Raza // Mette Henriette // DJ Renée Reif & Maja Hattvang // Kunstnerkollektivet Carrie // Manuel Pelmus & Ingunn Rimestad // Mattis Herman Nyquist & Yngvild Sve Flikke // Gunnhild Øyehaug // Sandra Kolstad & Kjersti Horn // Maritea Dæhlin // DJ Daeva //
When is something actually finished? And can the unfinished have a specific value? These questions form the basis for a two-day text festival in an “unfinished” building, six weeks before the official opening of the new MUNCH. The theme Unfinished (in Norwegian: Uferdig) is inspired by Edvard Munch’s own texts, which are a part of the museum’s collection, consisting of notes, drafts, and literary attempts. Only a few of these were published while Munch was alive, but they were nonetheless an important tool for him in cultivating and developing thoughts, experiences, and ideas. Many of the texts were directly linked to the motifs he was working on.
For two days we fill the museum with conversations, readings, concerts, pop-up book clubs and work commissioned specifically for the festival. It will be a meeting place for participants working with text across many different disciplines: writers, artists, musicians, actors, dancers, and others.
Text at MUNCH is an annual multidisciplinary arts festival and a part of our new live programme. The text festival uses Edvard Munch’s own texts as a starting point, which is a part of the museum’s collection not widely known to the public. The festival will have a new theme every year linked to Munch’s art.
Edvard Munch wrote his whole life, but most of his texts remained in the drawer. In only an instant significant voices from a range of different fields – from visual art to music, critique and astrophysics – enter into dialogue with one of these unpublished texts. Through the contributors’ diverse reactions to Munch’s text, the book explores the potential of the sketch-like and unfinished.
only an instant can be bought here

The festival will be following all the current guidelines regarding social distancing and hygiene measures.