Spring Live Tour

Live streaming from our Facebook page, where our you can join our guides for a tour of the closed museum.
A magnificent painting of a sunrise over a fjord landscape. The sun’s rays flood towards you. The sky vibrates and sends blue-green waves across the fjord.

Spring comes with new beginnings. The weather gets warmer, the days are longer and the dormant trees come back to life with their colourful buds.

The time Munch spent in Berlin and his paintings from the well known exhibition in 1892 are often the focus when his artistry is discussed. However Munch’s paintings from later in life, after his return home to Norway, deserves the same attention. During this period, light and nature became an important source of inspiration, and helped to re-establish both a physical and artistic vitality, providing him with new impulses and impressions. In this livestream we will guide you through some of these paintings, to celebrate spring, Easter and new beginnings.

“I was waiting for spring – so that
sleep and health could return”
- Edvard Munch

The live stream took place on our Facebook page April 7 2020, and can be seen her.