Conversation: The white gaze, stories of suffering and what comes next?

In this conversation, we open up for critical reflections around the exhibition Call My by My Name in collaboration with Black History Month Norway.
MUNCH, Tøyen

The exhibition Call Me by My Name has inspired debates about the titles of works of art. Many have been engaged in this specific, but also limited part of the show. What are younger audiences’ perspectives on the exhibition? We discuss questions such as: is Call Me by My Name influenced by a white gaze? What role should stories of suffering play in this kind of exhibition? What are its strengths and weaknesses, and what comes next?

Ida Evita de Leon leads the conversation.

Kevin Leander Fiabema studies international politics and relations. Hi is a writer, podcast producer and activist. 

Theresa Elise is an artist with a multidiciplinary practise, and an activist. She is the co-founder of Afryea Collective, a group that works to create a safe platform for artists and creatives with a minority background. 

Mohamed Abdi is the curator of Call Me by My Name. He is an educator and writer who has been a columnist for the newspapers Klassekampen, Morgenbladet and Dagsavisen. Abdi has a particular interest in maximizing inclusiveness in Norway’s multicultural society. 

Ida Evita de Leon is the initiator and leader of Black History Month Norway. Evita de Leon has studied culture and communication at the University of Oslo and is a professional activist.