All Ears Festival Friday

A feast of improvised music with groundbreaking performers

Doors open: 18:00
Start: 19:00
Age limit: 18 years (with guardianship)
Buy a Festival Pass and get access to all days

For three days in January we throw open MUNCH to the All Ears festival of improvised music, and this Friday you can experience a curated program of five acts.

Tanja Orning & Christian Wallumrød (NO)  
Damsel Elysium (UK) 
glupsk (IS)  
The International Nothing (DE) 
Schemes (NO/DK)  

Two of the top names on the All Ears curators’ wish list for 2024 were Tanja Orning and Christian Wallumrød, who will be presenting as a duo! With their curiosity and uncompromising attitude to sound and music, both Orning and Wallumrød have represented innovative thinking and warm quality within their respective fields for several years. 
Tanja Orning - cello Christian Wallumrød - grand piano 
Damsel Elysium is an experimental sound and visual artist, multi-instrumentalist & composer based in London. Elysium, ‘London’s most stylish experimental sound artist’ (as per Vogue), utilizes improvisational violin, piano, original field recordings, and anti-colonial practices to explore alternative connections with physical and natural spaces. In their world, speech doesn’t suffice; fashion, sculpture, and movement reign supreme for this rising avant-garde experimental artist. 
Glupsk is an abstract musical trio consisting of Vilhjálmur Yngvi Hjálmasson, Örlygur Steinar Arnalds, and Guðmundur Arnalds, based in Reykjavik, Island. 
The trio grant themselves the freedom to explore whatever concepts, genres, or sounds that interest them at each moment, their instruments of choice include dusty old laptops and esoteric software, though an odd instrument can find its way into the mix occasionally. 
The International Nothing is a Berlin-based psychoacoustic clarinet duo formed by Michael Thieke and Kai Fagaschinski in 2000. They collectively compose layered sound sculptures with a musical language that comprises multiphonics, beat frequencies, and difference tones. The International Nothing is: Kai Fagaschinski - clarinet & composition Michael Thieke - clarinet & composition 
From the conservatory in Trondheim we meet the young band Schemes. The band is characterized by explosive and energetic concerts, where improvisation leads the way for unconventional and contrasting music. Compositions are usually a big part of their live performances, but at All Ears we will hear a strictly improvised set together with special guest and former head of All Ears - Guro Moe! Schemes is: Brede Sørum - saxophone Oliver Skou-Due - piano Bendik Løland Lundsvoll - double bass Veslemøy Narvesen - drums Guro Moe electric bass 
More about the programme and artists at All Ears 
For the past 20 years All Ears has presented the most cutting edge avant garde music from the international improv scene. For both performers and listeners, improvised music is the art of experiencing sound in the moment.

All Ears Festival 2024 takes place at MUNCH 12-14 January. 

Photo:  Damsel Elysium by Photograph James Perolls