Nye stråler

New Rays

Oil on canvas

Inventory number: PE.M.00535

Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 1225



Painted on twill weave canvas with 12 x 12 threads per cm2. A vertical seam runs down the middle of the picture. The ground is thin, relatively dark yellowish grey and absorbent.
Title Nye stråler (NO) New Rays (EN) Neue Strahlen (DE)
Painter Edvard Munch
Date 1914–1916
Classification Paintings
Material/technique Oil on canvas
Dimensions Image: 455 × 225 cm
Signed Usignert
Owner/Collection Andre eiere
Inventory number PE.M.00535
Pettersen, Petra, "Vsljed ea solntsem: Novartorstvo v oformlenii publitsjnykh prostranstv" / "Following the Sun: Pioneering Art in the Decoration of Public Spaces", The Tretyakov Gallery Magazine 2013, s. 26-37

Berman, Patricia G., "Fra Munchs laboratorium", Munchs Laboratorium. Veien til Aulaen, (English edition: Munch's Laboratory), utst.kat. MM, 2011, s. 46

Frøysaker, Tine og Mirjam Liu, "Four (of eleven) unvarnished oil paintings on canvas by Edvard Munch in the Aula of the Oslo University: Preliminary notes on their materials, techniques and original appearances", Restauro. Forum für Restauratoren, Konservatoren und Denkmalpfleger, 115. Jahrg., nr. 1 2009, s. 44–61

Langaard, Johan H., og Reidar Revold, Edvard Munch. Auladekorasjonene, Oslo 1960, s. 46

Bugge, Anders, Munchs Aulabilleder, Oslo 1938, s. 7

Thiis, Jens, Edvard Munch og hans samtid. Slekten, livet og kunsten. Geniet, Oslo 1933, s. 299–310
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