The Sun
Oil on canvas
Inventory number: PE.M.00528
Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 970
Comment |
Painted on plain weave canvas with 16 x 16 threads per cm2. The canvas consists of two pieces sewn together horizontally and the ground shows a certain local adaptation to the colour tone. A thorough examination of the University Festival Hall paintings w
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Title | Solen (NO) The Sun (EN) Die Sonne (DE) |
Painter | Edvard Munch |
Date | 1911 |
Classification | Paintings |
Material/technique | Oil on canvas |
Dimensions | Image: 455 × 780 cm |
Signed | Usignert |
Owner/Collection | Andre eiere |
Inventory number | PE.M.00528 |
Bibliography |
Knausgård, Karl Ove, Så mye lengsel på så liten flate. En bok om Edvard Munchs bilder, Oslo 2017, s. 200
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Høifødt, Frank, Fruktbar jord. Munch i Moss 1913–1916. Utgivelse i forbindelse med utstilling på Galleri F15, Jeløya, Moss 2016, s. 102 Dyvesveen, Guro, Edvard Munch i Moss 1913–1916. Undervisningshefte for 7. trinn, Moss 2016, s. 16 Ustvedt, Øystein, "The Vitalist Impulse: Munch's Renewal and the German Expressionists", Munch and Expressionism, utst.kat. Neue Galerie, New York 2016, s. 71, 75 Stein, Mille and Johannes Rød, "A contribution to the varnish history of the paintings by Edvard Munch at the National Museum and Munch Museum", Public paintings by Edvard Munch and his contemporaries. Change and conservation challenges, Oslo 2015 Oslo, s. 257–270 Vassenden, Eirik, "’Norwegian Spirit and Will’. Vitalism as Radical Aesthetic and Reactionary Ideology in Literature and Art (1932–1942)", Art in Battle, utst.kat. KODE, Bergen 2015, fig. 1, s. 166 Ahtola-Moorhouse, Leena, "Elämän tanssin maalari" / "Painter of the Dance of Life", i Edvard Munch: Elämän tanssi / The Dance of Life, utst.kat. Didrichsen Konstmuseum, Helsinki 2014, s. 68 Flaatten, Hans-Martin Frydenberg, Edvard Munch i Moss. Kunst, krig og kapital på Jeløy 1913–1916, Moss 2014, s. 40 Huber, Hans Dieter, Edvard Munch. Tanz des Lebens. Eine Biographie, Stuttgart 2013, s. 136 Pettersen, Petra, "Vsljed ea solntsem: Novartorstvo v oformlenii publitsjnykh prostranstv" / "Following the Sun: Pioneering Art in the Decoration of Public Spaces", The Tretyakov Gallery Magazine 2013, s. 26-37 Opsahl, Lill Heidi, "Impulser", Møt Edvard Munch (engelsk, fransk, tysk utg.: Meet the Kids/Recontrer Edvard Munch), MM, Nasjonalmuseet og SKRIRA Kids 2013, s. 30 Pettersen, Petra, "Vsljed ea solntsem: Novartorstvo v oformlenii publitsjnykh prostranstv" / "Following the Sun: Pioneering Art in the Decoration of Public Spaces", The Tretyakov Gallery Magazine 2013, s. 26-37 Sandberg, Inger, "Edvard Munch – Skrubben og Kragerø", Edvard Munch i Kragerø. En artikkelsamling fra Kragerø og Skåtøy Historielag Kragerø, Kragerø 2013, s. 12 Harsem, Anne-Britt og Anniken Røil, Edvard Munch for unge lesere, Dilling 2012, s. 48 Rosseau, Pascal, "Radiation: Metabolising the 'new rays'", Edvard Munch. The Modern Eye / Edvard Munch. Der Moderne Blick / Edvard Munch. L'oeil moderne, utst.kat. Tate Modern, London 2012 / Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt 2012 / Centre Pompidou, Paris 2011, s. 163, 168 Frøysaker, Tine, Mirjam Liu og Thierry Ford, "Backing Munch – past and recent attachment of Edvard Munch's monumental Aula paintings to rigid supports", Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 25. Jahrg., Heft 2, 2012, s. 257–272 Ydstie, Ingebjørg (red.), Munchs Laboratorium. Veien til Aulaen, (English edition: Munch's Laboratory), utst.kat. MM, 2011, s. 46f, 98, 110, 146, ill. 86 Johansen, Bjørn V., "Universitets Aula. Kunnskapen og kulturens tempel, nasjonens rom", Munchs Laboratorium. Veien til Aulaen, utst.kat. MM, 2011, s. 207–222 Chang, Alison W., Negotiating Modernity: Edvard Munch's Late Figural Work 1900–1925, upublisert avhandling (PhD), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 2010, fig. 3.17 Petrusevi�?iūtė, Laima Marija, Melancholy and Sun / Munch and Čiurlionis, Vilnius 2010, s. 140 Flaatten, Hans-Martin Frydenberg, Soloppgang i Kragerø: Historien om Edvard Munchs liv på Skrubben 1909–1915, (English edition: Sunrise in Kragerø. The story of Edvard Munch's Life at Skrubben 1909–1915), Kragerø 2009, s. 106ff, 112 Pettersen, Petra, "Munchs Aula-dekorasjoner" / "Munch's Aula paintings" i Gerd Woll, Edvard Munch. Samlede malerier / Complete Paintings, Catalogue Raisonneé I-IV, MM, Kaare Berntsen, London 2009, s. 829–851 Junillon, Ingrid, Edvard Munch face à Henrik Ibsen: impressions d'un lecteur, Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning, serie B: Skrifter, vol. CXXXIII, Leuven / Peeters 2009, fig. 121, s. 47, 284 Templeton, Joan, Munch's Ibsen: A Painter's Vision of a Playwright, København 2008, s. 9 Frøysaker, Tine, "The paintings of Edvard Munch in the Assembly Hall of Oslo University. Their treatment history and the Aula-project", Restauro, Juni, 2007, s. 246 Heller, Reinhold, Munch. His Life and Work, London 1984, s. 206 Bugge, Anders, Munchs Aulabilleder, Oslo 1938, s. 1 Thiis, Jens, Edvard Munch og hans samtid. Slekten, livet og kunsten. Geniet, Oslo 1933, s. 299–310 |