

Oil on canvas

Inventory number: PE.M.00524

Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 1227



Painted on twill weave canvas with 12 x 12 threads per cm2. A vertical seam runs down the middle of the picture. The canvas has a thin, light grey priming that seems merely to be a size containing some solids. The ground is absorbent.
Title Kjemi (NO) Chemistry (EN) Chemie (DE)
Painter Edvard Munch
Date 1914–1916
Classification Paintings
Material/technique Oil on canvas
Dimensions Image: 450 × 225 cm
Signed Usignert
Owner/Collection Andre eiere
Inventory number PE.M.00524
Frøysaker, Tine, "Unintended contamination? A selection of Munch's paintings with non-original zinc white", Public paintings by Edvard Munch and his contemporaries. Change and conservation challenges, Oslo 2015, s. 132–140

Pettersen, Petra, "Vsljed ea solntsem: Novartorstvo v oformlenii publitsjnykh prostranstv" / "Following the Sun: Pioneering Art in the Decoration of Public Spaces", The Tretyakov Gallery Magazine 2013, s. 26-37

Berman, Patricia G., "Fra Munchs laboratorium", Munchs Laboratorium. Veien til Aulaen, (English edition: Munch's Laboratory), utst.kat. MM, 2011, s. 46

Frøysaker, Tine og Mirjam Liu, "Four (of eleven) unvarnished oil paintings on canvas by Edvard Munch in the Aula of the Oslo University: Preliminary notes on their materials, techniques and original appearances", Restauro. Forum für Restauratoren, Konservatoren und Denkmalpfleger, 115. Jahrg., nr. 1 2009, s. 44–61

Pettersen, Petra, "Munchs Aula-dekorasjoner" / "Munch's Aula paintings" i Gerd Woll, Edvard Munch. Samlede malerier / Complete Paintings, Catalogue Raisonneé I-IV, MM, Kaare Berntsen, London 2009, s. 829–851

Langaard, Johan H., og Reidar Revold, Edvard Munch. Auladekorasjonene, Oslo 1960, s. 46

Bugge, Anders, Munchs Aulabilleder, Oslo 1938, s. 6

Vidalenc, Georges, "Edvard Munch", Kunst og Kultur, 1920, s. 140

Thiis, Jens, Edvard Munch og hans samtid. Slekten, livet og kunsten. Geniet, Oslo 1933, s. 299–310
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