Oil on canvas
Inventory number: PE.M.00338
Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 369

Comment |
Paint has been sprayed all over the surface, while the body’s outline, facial details, hair and halo have been applied using a brush.
Title | Madonna (NO) Madonna (EN) Madonna (DE) |
Painter | Edvard Munch |
Date | 1895–1897? |
Classification | Paintings |
Material/technique | Oil on canvas |
Dimensions | Image: 101 × 70,5 cm |
Signed | Signert o.h. «E Munch» |
Owner/Collection | Andre eiere |
Inventory number | PE.M.00338 |
Bibliography |
Stein, Mille, "Patterns in Munch’s Painting Technique", Edvard Munch. Between the Clock and the Bed, utst.kat. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 2018, pl. 19, s. 37
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Ravenal, John B., Jasper Johns og Edvard Munch. Inspirasjon og forvandling. (English edition: Jasper Johns and Edvard Munch. Inspiration and Transformation), utst.kat. MM og Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Oslo 2016, s. 39 Lloyd, Jill, "Edvard Munch and the Expressionists: Influence and Affinity", Munch and Expressionism, utst.kat. Neue Galerie, New York 2016, kat.nr. 51, s. 20 Berman, Patricia G., "Çoğaltma, ekleme, çikarma. Warhol, Munch ve çoğaltilmiş baski", Munch / Warhol, utst.kat. CerModern, Ankara 2013, s. 30 Prelinger, Elizabeth og Andrew Robinson, Edvard Munch. Master Prints, utst.kat. National Gallery of Art, Washington 2010, pl. 21, s. 68 Buchhart, Dieter, Das verschwinden im Werk Edvard Munchs. Experimente mit materialisierung und dematerialisierung, Wien 2004, upubl. avhandling (Doktorgrad der Philosophie), s. 119 Thurmann-Moe, Jan, Munchs "Rosskur". Experimente mit Technik und Material, Hamburg 1994, s. 40 Gerner, Cornelia, Die "Madonna" in Edvard Munchs Kunst. Frauenbilder und Frauenbild im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert, Berlin 1993 |