Kissing Couples in the Park (The Linde Frieze)
Oil on canvas
Inventory number: MM.M.00695
Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 610

Comment |
The woman’s head with the yellow hat is painted on dry paint and is probably a later addition.
Title | Kyssende par i parken (Linde-frisen) (NO) Kissing Couples in the Park (The Linde Frieze) (EN) Kussende Paare im Park (Der Linde-Fries) (DE) |
Painter | Edvard Munch |
Date | 1904 |
Classification | Paintings |
Material/technique | Oil on canvas |
Dimensions | Image: 91 × 171,5 cm Technical dimensions: 91,2 × 171,3 cm Framed: 102 × 182 × 6,8 cm |
Signed | Usignert |
Owner/Collection | Munchmuseet |
Inventory number | MM.M.00695 |
Bibliography |
Bal, Mieke, Emma & Edvard Looking Sideways. Loneliness and the Cinematic, utst.kat. MM, Oslo 2017, fig. 5.11, s. 114
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Bal, Mieke og Rachel E. Burke, "’I Made This Munch’: Mieke Bal Talks to Dorota Filpczak about the Exhibtion 'Emma & Edvard: Love in the Time of Loneliness', opened in Munchmuseet, Oslo (27. Jan. 2017)", Text Matters. A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture, no. 7 (2017), s. 18 Dijk, Maite van, Magne Bruteig og Leo Jansen (red.), Munch + Van Gogh, utst.kat. MM, Oslo 2015 og Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 2015, (norsk, engelsk og nederlandsk utg.), nr. 1, s. 11 Schneede, Uwe M., "Bilder i samklang: Van Goghs ‘dekorasjon’ og Munchs Livsfrise" / "Pictures in concert: Van Gogh's 'Decoration' and Munch's Frieze of life", Munch + Van Gogh, utst.kat. MM, Oslo 2015 og Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 2015, (norsk, engelsk og nederlandsk utg.), nr. 1, s. 166 Retzer, Berit Ruud, Edvard Munch: Gjennombruddet, 2012 Oslo, s. 122 Pettersen, Petra, "Quelques collectionneurs des oeuvres de Munch", Edvard Munch ou l'"Anti-Cri", utst.kat. Pinacothèque de Paris, Paris 2010, fig. 7, upaginertEggum, Arne, Der Linde-Fries. Edvard Munch und sein erster deutscher Mäzen, Dr. Max Linde, Lübeck 1982 |