Døden og livet

Death and Life

Oil on canvas

Inventory number: MM.M.00049

Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 345



Painted on a linen canvas with 13 x 13 threads per cm2, primed with an absorbing layer of chalk, probably by Munch himself. The binder is most likely oil, but due to insufficiencies in this and the absorbing qualities of the ground, the painting has obtai
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Title Døden og livet (NO) Death and Life (EN) Der Tod und das Leben (DE)
Painter Edvard Munch, Norwegian
Date 1893–1894
Classification Paintings
Material/technique Oil on canvas
Dimensions Image: 128.5 × 86.5 cm Technical dimensions: 128.7 × 86.3 cm Framed: 142.4 × 99.9 × 9.2 cm
Signed Usignert
Owner/Collection Munchmuseet
Inventory number MM.M.00049
Stein, Mille, "Edvard Munch og ‘hestekuren’. En revurdering", Kunst og Kultur, årg. 100, nr. 1–2, 2017, s. 49, 56, 58, 61

Buchhart, Dieter, "Edvard Munch's Experiments In Printmaking. Reaching Forward Into the Twentieth Century", Edvard Munch. Love – Death – Loneliness, utst.kat. Albertina, Wien 2015, fig. 12, s. 16

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Stein, Mille, "Edvard Munch's paintings with water stains: Analysis of the Ekely Collection at the Munch Museum", Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 25. Jahrg., Heft 2, 2012, s. 273–284

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Topalova-Casadiego, Biljana, "Noen aspekter ved Edvard Munchs Piken og døden, 1893", Meddelelser om Konservering, nr. 1, 2004, s. 25–29

Aslaksby, Trond E., The conservation of the Edvard Munch collection: A story spanning more than fifty years, Upublisert manuskript, foredrag holdt ved symposiet "Under pressure II", University of Northumbria at Newcastle 1998, 11 s.Eggum, Arne, "Edvard Munch som maler", Munch i Munch-museet, Oslo 1998, s. 52

Thurmann-Moe, Jan, Edvard Munchs "hestekur". Eksperimenter med teknikk og materialer, utst.kat., Oslo 1995, s. 24

Rapetti, Rodolphe, Munch et la France, utst.kat. Musée d’Orsay, Paris 1991, s. 156

Heller, Reinhold, Munch. His Life and Work, London 1984, s. 133, ill. s. 120

Svenæus, Gösta, Edvard Munch. Das Universum der Melancholie, Lund 1968, s. 107

Langaard, Ingrid Lindbäck Edvard Munch. Modningsår, Oslo 1960, s. 204

Servaes, Franz, "Das Werk von Edvard Munch", Das Werk von Edvard Munch. Vier Beiträge / Herausgegeben von Stanislaw Przybyszewski, Berlin 1894, s. 40

Meier-Graefe, Julius, "Das Werk von Edvard Munch", Das Werk von Edvard Munch. Vier Beiträge / Herausgegeben von Stanislaw Przybyszewski, Berlin 1894, s. 87
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