Kurtise i parken

Flirting in the Park

Oil on canvas

Inventory number: MM.M.00021

Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 1772



Painted on preprimed plain weave canvas with 10 x 14 threads per cm2.
Title Kurtise i parken (NO) Flirting in the Park (EN) Flirt im Park (DE)
Painter Edvard Munch
Date 1942
Model, uncertain Dorothy Boleyn Drewry
Classification Paintings
Material/technique Oil on canvas
Dimensions Image: 130,5 × 150,5 cm Framed: 138.4 x 158.7 x 6 cm Technical dimensions: 130,5 × 150,4 cm
Signed Usignert
Owner/Collection Munchmuseet
Inventory number MM.M.00021
Karlsvik, Tine, Munchs hage på Ekely: i et fremtidig perspektiv, upubl. avhandling (Masteroppgave), Norges miljø- og biovitenskaplige universitet, Institutt for landskapsplanlegging, Ås 2015, s. 64 Junillon, Ingrid, Edvard Munch face à Henrik Ibsen: impressions d'un lecteur, Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning, serie B: Skrifter, vol. CXXXIII, Leuven / Peeters 2009, fig. 127, s. 296

Eggum, Arne, Edvard Munch og hans modeller, 1912–1943, utst.kat., Oslo 1988, s. 182

Gauguin, Pola, Edvard Munch, ny utg., Oslo 1946, s. 312
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