Pimp your own deck!
Put pictures and words on a skateboard deck in this unique workshop

Start: 15:00
Duration: approx 3,5h
Info: You can only register for one date
Bring: Good work clothes that can withstand paint. Everyone gets a board, but you can also bring your own.

In this workshop we will create graphics on our own board!

Artists Lars Kjemphol and Ole Fredrik Hvitsten will first tell the story of how Woodland came into being. Then they’ll show us how to build a skateboard from scratch, with cross-lamination of seven layers of veneer, and how to cut the laminate to shape, round off the edges, and put it all together.

We will come up with our dream designs for our own skateboards. We’ll do this with paint, marker pens and various transfer techniques. Everyone will end up with their own board with customised artwork underneath - which you can take home and skate on. 
Woodland was set up by artist Lars Kjemphol, and has been active in Norway’s art and skateboarding scene for 13 years. Woodland has exhibited its work at the Autumn Exhibition, the Roskilde Festival and filled the main hall at Ålesund Art Museum-KUBE, among others. 

Photo: Dino Trto (c) Woodland Skateboards