Ultima: Hatis Noit

Japanese singer weaves modernity and tradition

Photo: Özge Cöne

Doors open: 14:00
Start: 15:00
Duration: ca 90 min

London based vocal performer Hatis Noit originally hails from Hokkaido in northern Japan. She is inspired by a wide range of musical influences, from classical Japanese gagaku music, to opera, Bulgarian and Gregorian chanting, and avant-garde vocalists like Meredith Monk and Holly Herndon. Her music has a distinctly modern approach and detailed sound design, while her craft stays true to the timeless nature of the human voice. 

This concert is part of the Ultima Festival (14 – 23 September 2023), where all the diversity of contemporary music can be experienced at venues all over Oslo. The festival is supported by the Arts Council Norway and Oslo City Council. This event is part of the Sounds Now project, with the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. 

This concert is part of the Ultima Festival (14 – 23 September 2023), where all the diversity of contemporary music can be experienced at venues all over Oslo. The festival is supported by the Arts Council Norway and Oslo City Council. This event is part of the Sounds Now project, with the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.