Olje på lerret
Inventarnr: PE.M.00764
Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 514

Tittel | Dobbeltakt (NO) Two Nudes (EN) Doppelakt (DE) |
Kunstner | Edvard Munch |
Datering | 1902–1903 |
Klassifikasjon | Malerier |
Materiale/teknikk | Olje på lerret |
Mål | Bilde: 110 × 161 cm |
Signatur | Signert o.h. «E Munch» |
Eie/Samling | Andre eiere |
Inventarnummer | PE.M.00764 |
Bibliografi |
Stein, Mille and Johannes Rød, "A contribution to the varnish history of the paintings by Edvard Munch at the National Museum and Munch Museum", Public paintings by Edvard Munch and his contemporaries. Change and conservation challenges, Oslo 2015
Vis mer
Chang, Alison W., Negotiating Modernity: Edvard Munch's Late Figural Work 1900–1925, upublisert avhandling (PhD), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 2010, fig. 1.24 |