Andreas leser

Andreas Reading

Crayon, multicoloured

Inventory number: MM.T.00123-04


This object is one of several related to Sketchbook

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Title Andreas leser (NO) Andreas Reading (EN)
Painter Edvard Munch
Date 1883–1885
Model Andreas Munch
Classification Drawings
Tools/material Crayon, multicoloured Wove paper
Dimensions Paper: 480 × 321 × 0,2 mm
Markings Av Edv. Munch omkr. 1885, fra ...portrett av Andreas Munch, f. 1864(Schous plass 1, samme rom som "Vår" ble malt i).(Opplysning fra frk Inger Munch)G.
Owner/Collection Munchmuseet
Inventory number MM.T.00123-04