Cheek to Cheek
Oil on canvas
Inventory number: MM.M.00066
Catalogue raisonné: Woll M 1332
Comment |
Executed on preprimed, plain weave linen canvas with 12 x 12 threads per cm2. The canvas has a supplier’s stamp from Alf R. Bjercke.
Title | Kinn mot kinn (NO) Cheek to Cheek (EN) Wange an Wange (DE) |
Painter | Edvard Munch |
Date | 1919–1920 |
Classification | Paintings |
Material/technique | Oil on canvas |
Dimensions | Image: 65 × 80,5 cm Technical dimensions: 65,1 × 80,3 cm Framed: 68.2 x 83.2 x 4.5 cm |
Signed | Usignert |
Owner/Collection | Munchmuseet |
Inventory number | MM.M.00066 |
Bibliography |
Eggum, Arne, Edvard Munch og hans modeller, 1912–1943, utst.kat. MM, Oslo 1988, s. 80